Searching Catalog

On this page, you will find instructions on different ways to search our catalog and how to tell if we have an item you are looking for. You do not have to be signed in to your account to search for an item.

Catalog Link:


1. There are multiple ways you can search for an item on our catalog. 


2. You can search by: 

  • Search All Fields 

  • Title Starts With 

  • Title Phrase 

  • Author

  • Subject

3. Examples: 

  • Know the exact title, type it in, click Title Starts With from drop-down menu and click Go.

  • Looking for something by a certain author? Type in their first and last name (doesn't matter the order), click Author from the drop-down menu and click Go.

  • Need something that talks about Apollo 11 but aren't sure what you want? Type in Apollo 11 in the search bar, click Subject from the drop-down menu and click Go. Our catalog will bring up anything that has the subject Apollo 11. 

    • This can be done with other things like Mystery, Romance, Comedy Films, Scooby-Doo, etc. 

Apollo 11.png


Do we own it: 

1. Now that you've searched for the item, you need to be able to tell whether we own the item. Take a look at the picture below: 

Finding Ashley.png

2. Here you can see that we have the book Finding Ashley by Danielle Steel in Audiobook, regular print, and large print format. 

  • When it is in green (like the audiobook one), that means we have it on our shelf. 

  • When it is in red (like the large print one), that means we have it, but it is checked out right now. 

3. We also have Finding Ashley in Bridges audiobook and eBook format. Bridges/Libby is an app that has items solely on devices (smartphone, iPad, iPod, tablet, etc.). You can download the app and either listen or read the book on your device. To find out more about that, go to our Bridges/Libby page under our eBook & Audio tab at the top of the screen.